
Associazione Corale Goriziana

C. A. Seghizzi

The Gorizia C. A. Seghizzi choir was born in November 1920 under the direction of Maestro Augusto Cesare Seghizzi.

The first "Seghizzi" Choral Singing Competition took place in 1962 and in 1963 suddenly grew an international level. Since then more than 1400 choirs and singers of 72 nations have participated in our events.

Today, beside the International Choral Competition, many events are proudly organized and presented by the group. The most important are: the International Choral and Solo voice singing competitions, and the International Choral Music Composition Competition. Every year workshops, masterclasses, exibitions, publishing activities, concerts take place thanks to the Associazione Corale Goriziana C. A. Seghizzi, who also holds a rich historic archive.

Associazione Corale Goriziana

C. A. Seghizzi

The Gorizia C. A. Seghizzi choir was born in November 1920 under the direction of Maestro Augusto Cesare Seghizzi.

The first "Seghizzi" Choral Singing Competition took place in 1962 and in 1963 suddenly grew an international level. Since then more than 1400 choirs and singers of 72 nations have participated in our events.

Today, beside the International Choral Competition, many events are proudly organized and presented by the group. The most important are: the International Choral and Solo voice singing competitions, and the International Choral Music Composition Competition. Every year workshops, masterclasses, exibitions, publishing activities, concerts take place thanks to the Associazione Corale Goriziana C. A. Seghizzi, who also holds a rich historic archive.

L’Associazione Corale Goriziana “C. A. Seghizzi” è orgogliosa di comunicare che alle manifestazioni internazionali “Seghizzi” 2023 è stata conferita la




la serata finale 2023

le manifestazioni internazionali “Seghizzi” 2022 si sono svolte con il patrocinio della Camera dei Deputati e con il Patrocinio dell’Ambasciata della Repubblica di Lettonia in Italia”.
Patrocinio della Camera dei Deputati
Patrocinio dell’Ambasciata della Repubblica di Lettonia in Italia

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